During many casual conversations with fellow riding friends, the topic on why I still continue to ride my street bike pops up often. While I am not the best old man street styler in town, and had my fair shares of cycling “bailouts”. I take pride in my constant core strength exercise opportunities whenever the occasion arises – which is everytime I ride any of my bicycles. Every ride, long or short of it, where depleting energy level from long rides allows, I would try to tackle some street features – be it a trash bag full of dry leaves, a kerb or a road divider. To some, this might look like a habit only street riders (Street MTB or BMX) have because we are “playful”? Not quite accurate. It’s a habit I am happy to retain throughout my bike life as this hops and pops continue to build core strength and muscle memories. For every cyclist who wish to do well in their primary cycling disciplines (mountain, road or any other disciplines along this spectrum), I suggest getting your technical foundation skills dialled and core strength up to speed. Here’s how.