Fabio Wibmer during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Vienna, Austria in September 25, 2018 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4A9S11W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
Fabio Wibmer showed in Fabiolous Escape 2 that he is capable of pulling off audacious bike tricks and he has followed it up with a big city passion project that took over a year to shoot. Here is all you need to know:
The East Tirolean turns Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna and Linz into a playground and takes shortcuts over city roofs with no gap – however big – stopping him.
Fabio Wibmer performs during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Innsbruck, Austria on June 4, 2019 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4A7R51W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
With handlebar rides, a frontflip through a building site, mighty drops and a double backflip on a step-down, Wibmer finds his way through the street maze.
Fabio Wibmer performs during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Linz, Austria on October 8, 2018 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4A36N1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
The 24-year-old said: “I realised that the world keeps spinning faster and, especially in big cities, the life of society has become a real hectic and stressful one. That’s how it is for me as well. When I get on my bike though, I am able to escape this chaos for a while. I am able to take a breath and calm down. Hopefully the audience feels the same way.”
Fabio Wibmer performs during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Vienna, Austria on September 24, 2018 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4ABGH1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
In terms of the filming logistics, which included using a GH5S on a Glidecam as the main camera supported by two A7IIIs, GoPros and drones, he added: “The shooting definitely was the most challenging production I have done. Some of the takes took several hundreds. In the final edit, of course, you don’t see these struggles.”
Fabio Wibmer performs during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Linz, Austria on October 8, 2018 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4AHA51W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
He shot to global fame in 2016 when YouTube clips of him riding a railing of a 200m high dam and showing off his downhill ability on an old lady’s bike went viral.
Fabio Wibmer during the shoot of Wibmers Law in Linz, Austria on September 21, 2018 // Philipp Schuster/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4AK3W1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
Fabio Wibmer performs during the shoot of Wibmers Law in Linz, Austria on September 21, 2018 // Philipp Schuster/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4AJCN1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //
Fabio Wibmer performs during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Innsbruck, Austria on June 4, 2019 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4AHGW1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //Fabio Wibmer performs during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Linz, Austria on October 8, 2018 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4AHA51W11 // Usage for editorial use only //Fabio Wibmer performs during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Graz, Austria on September 28, 2018 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4ABQS1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //Fabio Wibmer poses for a portrait during the Shoot of Wibmers Law in Linz, Austria on October 1, 2018 // Philip Platzer/Red Bull Content Pool // AP-21KD4A49W1W11 // Usage for editorial use only //