It's that time of the year we are expected to make our New Year Resolutions. Nonsensical? Could be. But we discover it is a good time to start listing what Bikezilla wants to see for this year.
For the year 2016, we did a few Bikezilla Mass Rides, actively participated in Urban Wheels the city Challenge from its lead-up events all the way to its race day and topping all off with a event booth that served its purpose really well. Our editorial coverage remains consistent with the help from our regional correspondence as well as our local journalist/editorial team. Our team of riders are more co-hesive than ever, and have also widened their experience in the various aspects of cycling journalism – from product review, photography, videography to event organizing.
During this period, we gained many real supporters. "Real supporters" refer to that special group of bikers that are constantly on the lookout for our events and publications and would warmly wear a Bikezilla t-shirt during all their rides. We deeply appreciate this support. It shows we are heading in the right direction.
Our social media performance has been good in 2016 too. While the growth rate of our group page may not seem too rapid, it is due to our group administrators' careful and realistic filtering process. Our administrators would diligently screen every new membership request, and would only accept accounts that do not raise doubts on their authenticity – as in: genuine accounts, not accounts created with god-knows-what agendas.
All in all, we are happy with what we did for 2016. But we still have a lot to cover for 2017.
We never lose sight of this founding credo – to be the voice of Asian riders and Asian riding culture. But over the past 2 years, it seems that we converged towards topics we are well-versed in, as opposed to covering cycling in general. No regrets here, more like coming to terms about where our real passion is. We have to be realistic and admit that we are more street, mountain and gravity centric compared with the other disciplines of the cycling sport. While we do not want to be cut off from the rest of the cycling disciplines, we acknowledge where our strengths are. So, yes, for 2017, we are going to be less bashful about our coverage of the sport.
The building of Chestnut MTB Trail network is a blessing to the mountain biking community in Singapore. The full trail network should entice many to embark on a lifelong journey into cycling. What's not to like about the Chestnut MTB trail network? It comes with all the bells and whistles of a great trail from event amphitheatre at the trail head, bike rental facilities, clean toilets, water dispenser, resting sheds along the trail, idiot-proof signs, intermittent alternate technical lines for some added challenges and regular trail maintenace. This package of goodies have got to cover the majority of mountain bikers as well as those that are about to pick up the sport. Defintely well thought out!
Mountain biking could be viewed simply as a sport to keep fit while getting a chance to enjoy nature, but it is not its complete definition. Mountain biking has a lot more to offer.
At this juncture, this editor is going to share his own personal opinion. I am hoping for more provisions for advance riders at all available trails. Maybe a kicker here and there, a gap jump or drop tucked away along a double black diamond line with chicken line options (all safety measures taken care of), and not restricted to some "challenge park" or designated downhill line located at a different part of this island. Why not add more colors to an already awesome trail?
One of our writers, during a certain trail maintenance day, heard a certain official casually said that the trail should be for everybody, not for a small group who can do certain feats … This made me, and a few of us, think – if we do not give our kids an opportunity to learn, we would never know how skillful they can get. And the statement of "most of the riders can't jump this" would become self prophesying, simply because the trail infrastructure made it so.
All said, I applaud the building of Chestnut MTB Trail and is having lots of fun riding it since its opening. ……….. An alternate line along the main trail loop featuring some jump spots (with lots of warning signs) would make it PERFECT! *still hopeful*
Our current platform for a 2-way communication is via our Facebook Group – Bikezilla Bikers Billboard. We look forward to Billboard becoming a platform for riders to communicate freely. And for those who wish to do more than simply posting an opinion or some great stories on Facebook, why not join us as a contributor?
We had a lot of fun with the Bikezilla Mass Rides in 2016. This year, we are looking to increase the frequency of Bikezilla Mass Ride. With the blessing from our sponsors, we hope to make each ride unique in its own ways with lots of fun. So here's calling all our good sponsors and riders – Let's Ride!
We have lots of ideas that could help promote cycling – especially in the department of mountain and street biking. But we need more support than what we are getting now. With more support from local and regional businesses, we would be able to push forward more of our plans which, very often, add more hype and sparkle into the industry. And one of the big benefits of a hyped up industry is increase in "membership". An increase in overall cycling population translates to a larger market and thus bigger demand and increased business potential. An all-win situation! Of course, this ideal works best when every single stakeholder joins in. So here's calling to all capable stakeholders out there: "Let's come together to help promote mountain biking! for 2017"
Let's all wish for a great year ahead! With lots of places to ride, friends to meet, our bikes working just the way we want them to, and our skills and fitness reaching new heights. Stay Rad and Ride.
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