(Jordie Lunn /// CA)
There are many reasons why certain brands tickle our fancy. It could be that these brands are always at the top of your memory, or they have a long-standing record of fulfilling their promises to you, you think that they are totally original and unique, their products have consistently provided the expected level of performance for you, there are loyal supporters who trust these brands – just like yourself, they have some respectable track records (goodwill) that you respect OR they have been reaching you through all the right marketing channels. And you are sold on what these cool brands do!
Whatever the reason(s) is(are), these brands that caught your fancy stood out amongst the myriad of choices. You remember them. Love them. And some even earned your respect. In the mountain biking components circle, Deity easily fit into one of those groups stated above. And to those who know them well, they stood out as a brand that held their own over the years. The facts backed them up. Bikezilla recaps what has been told about Deity Components by many bike magazines – for those readers who wish to discover this cool brand a little more.
Bike components usually compete on a few very obvious variables – weight, performance, quality, price and design. But some brands stood out a little bit more with a little extra something – brand personality and belief. And these extra bits show in their products and marketing messages.
Again, the often-heard " Riders Owned" or "For riders by riders" brand direction is not unique in the bike industry – there are really quite a number of such riders owned brand out there. These brands have a few things in common. They usually started small with capital pooled together by a few passionate friends or family members, have a limited product line, usually starting from the easier-to-produce items like cockpit components, gradually expanding their product range as they accumulate more funds from profit or external investments. Many of these brands were formed due to the owners' having a deep passion for the sport and wanting to make a mark for themselves, beyond simply riding itself. And here in lies the most difficult part. Is it a business or just a passion project. The balance is often hard to juggle.
And what does "For riders by riders" really mean? Does it mean the riders wanting to create products to their preferences and wished to share their preferences with the rest of the world? Or riders, knowing the finer points within the sports and knowing what to look out for when designing products, wished to use these expertise to create products that the riding community really needs? "Riders owned" companies' true objectives fall along the two extreme ends of this spectrum.
Sadie and Eric Davies (Founders of Deity Components) , were unhappy with the way riders were treated, the decaying level of customer service from more corporatized brands and the lack of brand identity when a brand grew too big. They did not like it when bike brands are operated by people who are out of tune with the end riders yet, are making important decisions for the end users – riders. (Ed: We can't agree more with this). They wanted to change all these.
The name Deity was chosen to mean: " Make Gods of our riders, to give riders a voice, a company (brand) they could identify with".
Over the years, the owners had been approached by big corporations for acquisition, which they declined so that they could continue to work the brand in the direction that adheres to their original ideals. They have remained debt free, ignored typical marketing and sales competition giving priority to perfecting their product design & testings over product launch deadlines, and the owners have remained active in the sports keeping close contacts with the riders – whom are the driving force for the brand.
To many, Deity seems to be an idealistic company that has the tendency to go against the grain. But to those who love the brand, it is this steadfastness and perseverance in their brand ideology that reflects their value, vision, voice, polarizing style and direction. An attitude of not giving up, and standing against bigger adversity while doing what they think is right in their very own way.
On introspection, don't we all, at one point of our life, while doing something we hold dear, had this emotional thought at the back of our heads? While some materialize these thoughts into actions, many just let them slip pass. We see a good role model in Deity Components' brand ideology and the guts to seize the day! This, ladies and gentlemen, is RAD.
Presently, Deity have proven that they can build a successful brand while staying true to their values, principals, and integrity, all on their own terms! But yet, they are quick to add that they have not changed their ideals at all. They are still as "Riders Owned" as when they started. Which means they will continue to create products for the riders, not for themselves.
Being Riders Owned means the folks at Deity are really concerned about the reliability of their products in the hands of the most extreme riders. As such, typical factory test are just not convincing enough. To fully convince themselves and for the sake of the riders, they have developed numerous new testing procedures that are proprietary to Deity. All Deity products would need to pass Industry Testing Standards as well as their own Deity procedures before they are considered ready for the market. These extra tests are important from the viewpoint of the rider. Another extra point for Deity Components for going that exrtra mile.
On the topic of product conceptualization, Deity do not look at what the other companies are doing, instead they focus on the end users, their needs, and the value that the products hold for these riders.
So the next time you use a Deity Component, remember that the product(s) that you have on your bike represent(s) a whole lot of love for the riding community. And that they also represent a whole lot of what mountain bikers respect – that rad attitude to do what we want, some times against the flow, all the while not losing sight of what we love most – the freedom and fun of riding!
Get Rad!
Information from Unsprung, Deity Components and Pinkbike
Photos by Deity Components
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To get your hands on some Deity Components, contact Unsprung through their website or send a quick message to them at their Facebook Page to arrange for an appointment at Blk 18B Circuit Road #15-250 Singapore 372018.
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NB: We would like to hear from bike and bike components brands that operate in their own unique ways. Please contact us at Ride!